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Purpose with Mark Bertrang

Jan 18, 2024

When I told the social media world that I would be dropping a video and podcast soon with Chris Lezpona as my guest, I was surprised by the huge reaction I received. Chris has weathered many storms in his life, the biggest being a brain tumor and the following surgery to remove it over a decade ago and then the resulting handicaps he has overcome since. To know Chris is to know someone who causes you to see not his handicaps, but instead the handicaps in yourself, the handicaps that we all have, those that can't be seen with the naked eye. Chris may share with you what he may believe are his personal limitations, but you won't see them. Instead, you may wonder instead, what your own limitations are, that you have set upon yourself. If I ever need a positive boost in my life, I know where to find it. Its embodied in a man who works at a busy Kwik Trip convenience store down the street from our office. This spectacular young man's name is Chris Lezpona.

0:00 Introduction

1:32 Who is Chris Lezpona?

5:42 Life Changing Diagnosis

9:10 A Kind Request

10:08 Navigating Life with a New Perspective

18:22 Life is Hard

19:50 The Good You See and Try to Be

23:49 Investments Don't Hug

24:20 God Bless Moms

26:21 Chris's Tattoo

29:02 Rules to Live By

31:53 Kwik Trip

33:03 Conclusion